Tourist highlight

Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen

Schloss Herrenhausen

The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen are Hannover’s most famous attraction and have been a striking example of grand horticultural style for more than 300 years.

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Großer Garten

Spazieren Sie durch einen der beeindruckendsten Barockgarten Europas - den Großen Garten. 


The jewel in Hannover’s crown

Großer Garten

The centrepiece, the “Great Garden”, is one the most important baroque garden in Europe and is a magnet for tourists from all over the world. Just like the ladies and gentlemen of the court in centuries gone by, visitors today can stroll around amidst opulently designed beds, splendid sculptures and artistically clipped, illuminated hedges. Water features can be heard babbling in hidden corners while the Great Fountain rises to an impressive height of 70 metres. Originally created by Electress Sophia as the “Grand Jardin de la Leine”, the Great Garden is one of the few baroque parks which has retained its basic structure until today.

Baroque meets modern

Niki de Saint Phalle Grotto

A phantasmagorical kaleidoscope of mirrors, coloured glass and pebbles, the Niki de Saint Phalle grotto never fails to captivate visitors. This is where the world-famous artist paid her final tribute to the people of Hannover. The restoration of Herrenhausen Palace on the original courtyard in the Great Garden is a masterpiece of fine architecture.

The former home of the Guelph dynasty with its neoclassical façade is now to be used as a modern conference centre for scientific events, a museum with exhibitions about the all-round genius Leibniz, and will also house the Guelph Museum. It is situated opposite the Hill Garden, a botanical garden which dates back to the mid-17th century and boasts an impressive display of exotic flowers all year round. The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen also include George Garden, which is designed like an English landscaped garden and is a popular destination for recreational outings.


Unique cultural events

KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen is a summer festival which features diverse cultural events ranging from theatre to concerts and art installations. Between May and September, the world’s best pyrotechnic artists deliver spectacular firework displays which are perfectly timed to music during the International Fireworks Competitions.


Designed in the style of an amphitheatre, the Garden Theatre provides a wonderful setting for open-air drama and musicals. Over 100 acrobats, mimes and musicians take part in the “Little Festival in the Great Garden” which has been staged throughout the spacious park on summer evenings for more than 25 years. When the temperatures become cooler, the Gallery and Orangery are popular venues for classical concerts and the Winter Variety show.

More information: Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen