About 1.700 exhibitors from over 40 different countries present their products and services. The exhibition spectrum is complemented by an attractive supporting programme, including high-quality congresses and lectures about topics dealing with forest and wood.

Ligna Hannover - Hotels, Private Rooms, Service:

Hotellid, apartemendid ja B&B

Hotellid ja majutus

Hannoveris ööbimiseks on teie käsutuses erinevate kategooriate hotellid ja eramajutuskohad.

Loe rohkem



Tundke rõõmu kütkestavast reisist Hannoveri kanti!

Loe rohkem

Kulinaaria ja tantsupõrandad

Gurmaanidele on Hannover kui kulinaarne maailmareis.

Loe rohkem


26.05.2025 to 30.05.2025 starting from 09:00 to 18:00 o'clock


Messegelände Hannover
30521 Hannover

Day Ticket

22,- € on site / 18,50 € pre-sale / 9,50 € reduced

5-Day Ticket

34,50 € on site / 31,50 € pre-sale

Afternoon Ticket

5,50 € (on site only)

Opening Hours: 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Please note: The admission ticket is not valid for public transport.

Viimati uuendatud: 26. veebr 2025