Arrangement for groups
Magical Hannover
Enjoy the GOP Weekend arrangement with a spectacular show and a fantastic 3-course meal
The current issue of "Tips and Dates" presents exciting package arrangements and events in Hannover.
Arrangement for groups
Enjoy the GOP Weekend arrangement with a spectacular show and a fantastic 3-course meal
package arrangement
The world’s best Pyrotechnicians show off their skills at the International Fireworks Competition.
Package Arrangement
Also in winter the Adventure Zoo is worth a visit!
Winter 2023/2024
Click here and leaf through: The new Tips & Dates for Winter 2023/2024 provides you with the latest...
Didn't find what you were looking for?
over 20 additional experience packages
City trip team
Phone + 49 511 12345 333
E-mail: staedtereise@hannover-tourismus.de
A notice:
You can get the printed edition in your daily newspaper or at the Tourist Information on Ernst-August-Platz.