The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen were nominated by an international jury of horticultural experts and subsequently voted best of the other finalist parks in England and Italy. The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen were the first German park to win an award in the “Historic Gardens” category. The prize has been awarded by EGHN, the European Garden Heritage Network, since 2010. EGHN is the largest garden network in Europe and represents more than 170 members in twelve different countries.
The European Garden Award does not focus solely on spectacular horticulture, well-maintained herbaceous borders or perfect lawns. In line with the objectives of the EGHN, the award takes a broader approach and is based on many different considerations. For the nominations and awards, innovative implementation and management, urban development aspects, questions of sustainability, good visitor services and opportunities for voluntary work are just as important as a high quality of new design or restoration of a park or garden. The nominees – and above all the finalists and award winners – should provide inspiration or serve as a model for other projects. These historic gardens have either undergone exemplary restoration, garden maintenance or development, have contributed to educational work, social inclusion, provide excellent visitor services or help protect the environment.
Previous award winners in the “Historic Gardens” category: The Lost Gardens of Heligan (GB, 2014), Park Monserrate in Sintra, Portugal (2013), Egeskov Castle Gardens (Denmark, 2012), Villa Ottolenghi (Italy, 2011) and Trentham Gardens (GB, 2010)
The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen – Horticulture in Perfection
The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen unite three different horticultural styles in one unique historic ensemble. Herrenhausen Palace Museum, located in the rebuilt Herrenhausen Palace, provides information about the origins and development of Herrenhausen. The Great Garden features impressive baroque ornaments und magnificent fountains. Visitors to the “Berggarten” will find botanical treasures and can discover exquisite orchids and exotic plants in the greenhouses. “George Garden” dates back to the 19th century and is an idyllic example of landscape gardening.
The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen Herrenhäuser Strasse 4, 30419 Hannover Tel. +49 (0)511 168-34000 Open daily from 9 am, all year round Admission: EUR 8 per person, children aged up to 12 admission free, age 12 – 17 EUR 4 per person, groups of 15 or over, EUR 7 per person, numerous reductions available