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International Firework Competition at Herrenhausen Gardens in Hannover

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Canada, Firemaster Productions

On five summer evenings between May and September 2017 five terrific teams will once again turn the The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen, acclaimed as the “best historic garden in Europe”, into a splendid backdrop for magnificent pyrotechnic displays

Some 55,000 visitors are expected in all; they can look forward to sophisticated pyrotechnic effects and breathtaking impressions created to this year’s obligatory piece of music and in the following individual free display.

Herrenhausen Gardens – where the world meets

The participating teams are from Spain, Austria, England, Poland and the United States. It is the first time for 19 years that a US team has taken part in the competition: “Rozzi’s Famous Fireworks” put on more than fifty pyromusical shows in the US every year, and are particularly distinguished by their daring innovations, their superb colour and their complex images. Before each show visitors can enjoy an atmospheric accompanying programme of live music, performance art and drama precisely attuned to the country concerned. Winner of previous years: Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland and Mexiko.

In 2016 Hannover played host to five heads of state at Hannover’s Herrenhausen Gardens: as well as US President Barack Obama, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel also welcomed British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President François Hollande and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

International Firework Competition 2017 - Dates and teams

20.05.: Spain, Astondoa Piroteknia
10.06.: Austria, steyrFire
19.08.: England, Pyrotex Fireworx
02.09.: Poland, SUREX
16.09.: United States of America, Rozzi's Famous Fireworks

Supporting programme

The fireworks displays will be rounded off with a highly diverse supporting programme before the magnificent backdrop of Herrenhausen Gardens, which have just been awarded the accolade “Best Historic Garden in Europe”. Before the teams take the stage to captivate audiences with their interpretations of the compulsory section and subsequent free programme, acts chosen to tie in with the country of the performing team, ranging from live music, cabaret and outdoor theatre for all the family, will begin at 6.30 pm to keep visitors entertained while they wait for the start of the fireworks.

In 2015, the five events attracted a total of approx. 53,000 visitors to the International Fireworks Competition in Herrenhausen.

More Information on International Firework Competition can be found at

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