Weltweit größte Wellenmaschine in Hannoverhttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/925684/full/1/11552452023-06-30T13:00:42+02:00Hannover home to the world’s largest wave machineMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/925684/full/1/11552452023-06-30T13:00:42+02:00Germany’s minister for economic affairs and climate action, Robert Habeck, and Lower Saxony’s minister president, Stephan Weil, jointly inaugurated the extended wave current flume in conjunction with participating scientists at Leibniz University and TU Braunschweig.
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<title>Weltweit größte Wellenmaschine in Hannover</title>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/925684/full/1/1155245"/>
<title>Hannover home to the world’s largest wave machine</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/925684/full/1/1155245"/>
<content>Germany’s minister for economic affairs and climate action, Robert Habeck, and Lower Saxony’s minister president, Stephan Weil, jointly inaugurated the extended wave current flume in conjunction with participating scientists at Leibniz University and TU Braunschweig.</content>