Trade Fairs & Conventions touristMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de Savings: Discover Hannover and the Hannover Region by public transport - easy and comfortable with the HannoverCard tourist!Deutsche Messe wins bid for ITMA 2027Max Mustermannmax@mustermann.de's largest international exhibition for textile and garment technology comes to HannoverArrival at the exhibition groundsMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de you will find all the information and plans for the exhibition grounds at a glance.Arrival at the exhibition groundsMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de you will find all the information and plans for the exhibition grounds at a glance.INSTANT FAIRMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de exhibition system offers a modern, maximally CO2-reduced event concept with a unique selling point in Europe for 120 exhibitors and up to 3000 guests per day.Maritim Airport Hotel HanoverMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de modern non-smoking rooms await you in this well-connected hotel located directly at the airport.Congress Selected HotelsMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de can get all the general information about Congress Selected Hotels here.Veranstaltungsplaner für Ihren VerbandMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.deür-Ihren-Verband2022-06-22T12:07:03+02:00Hier finden Sie eine Checkliste und können Ihre geplante Vorstandssitzung, Präsidiumssitzung, Jahrestagung, Klausurtagung etc. anfragen.Klinikum Region HannoverMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de hospital network with 3400 beds and around 8500 employeesKind HörgeräteMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.deörgeräte2022-04-01T12:35:22+02:00One of the world's leading companies in hearing aid acoustics.Cochlear Germany GmbH Co. KGMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de global implant manufacturer with German subsidiary in Hannover.DOMOTEX Hanover 2022Max Mustermannmax@mustermann.de Messe AG is looking into a DOMOTEX date later in the 2022 calendar year.HANNOVER MESSE postponedMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de HANNOVER MESSE has been postponed and will now take place from May 30th - June 02th, 2022.Special Locations - The new 360 ° MovieMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de°-Movies/Special-Locations-The-new-360-°-Movie2021-10-12T10:02:36+02:00Here you will find the video showing special locations.Locations for Sports and Concerts - The 360° MovieMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de°-Movies/Locations-for-Sports-and-Concerts-The-360°-Movie2021-09-15T16:41:00+02:00Unique places for concerts and sporting events.Historical Locations - The 360° MovieMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de°-Movies/Historical-Locations-The-360°-Movie2021-09-15T16:37:04+02:00A former riding hall, a classic car lounge or a historic train station – this is a selection of historic locations.Conference Locations – The 360° MovieMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de°-Movies/Conference-Locations-–-The-360°-Movie2021-09-15T16:33:58+02:00Get an overview of the selection of our conference locations.Hannover Congress Center - The 360° MovieMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de°-Movies/Hannover-Congress-Center-The-360°-Movie2021-09-15T16:30:03+02:00Discover the flexibility of the Hannover Congress Center.Adventure Zoo Hannover - The 360 ° MovieMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de°-Movies/Adventure-Zoo-Hannover-The-360-°-Movie2021-09-15T16:25:07+02:00Get a splendid and exotic impression of the Adventure Zoo Hannover on this 360° tourHannover Fairground- The 360° MovieMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de°-Movies/Hannover-Fairground-The-360°-Movie2021-09-15T16:19:42+02:00A digital tour across one of the largest exhibition centres of the world.
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<feed xmlns="">
<title>Trade Fairs & Conventions</title>
<link href=""/>
<title>HannoverCard tourist</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>Clever Savings: Discover Hannover and the Hannover Region by public transport - easy and comfortable with the HannoverCard tourist!</content>
<title>Deutsche Messe wins bid for ITMA 2027</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>World's largest international exhibition for textile and garment technology comes to Hannover</content>
<title>Arrival at the exhibition grounds</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>Here you will find all the information and plans for the exhibition grounds at a glance.</content>
<title>Arrival at the exhibition grounds</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>Here you will find all the information and plans for the exhibition grounds at a glance.</content>
<title>INSTANT FAIR</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>This exhibition system offers a modern, maximally CO2-reduced event concept with a unique selling point in Europe for 120 exhibitors and up to 3000 guests per day.</content>
<title>Maritim Airport Hotel Hanover</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>527 modern non-smoking rooms await you in this well-connected hotel located directly at the airport.</content>
<title>Congress Selected Hotels</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>You can get all the general information about Congress Selected Hotels here.</content>
<title>Veranstaltungsplaner für Ihren Verband</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="ür-Ihren-Verband"/>
<content>Hier finden Sie eine Checkliste und können Ihre geplante Vorstandssitzung, Präsidiumssitzung, Jahrestagung, Klausurtagung etc. anfragen.</content>
<title>Klinikum Region Hannover</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>Municipal hospital network with 3400 beds and around 8500 employees</content>
<title>Kind Hörgeräte</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="örgeräte"/>
<content>One of the world's leading companies in hearing aid acoustics.</content>
<title>Cochlear Germany GmbH Co. KG</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>Leading global implant manufacturer with German subsidiary in Hannover.</content>
<title>DOMOTEX Hanover 2022</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>Deutsche Messe AG is looking into a DOMOTEX date later in the 2022 calendar year.</content>
<title>HANNOVER MESSE postponed</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href=""/>
<content>The HANNOVER MESSE has been postponed and will now take place from May 30th - June 02th, 2022.</content>
<title>Special Locations - The new 360 ° Movie</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="°-Movies/Special-Locations-The-new-360-°-Movie"/>
<content>Here you will find the video showing special locations.</content>
<title>Locations for Sports and Concerts - The 360° Movie</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="°-Movies/Locations-for-Sports-and-Concerts-The-360°-Movie"/>
<content>Unique places for concerts and sporting events.</content>
<title>Historical Locations - The 360° Movie</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="°-Movies/Historical-Locations-The-360°-Movie"/>
<content>A former riding hall, a classic car lounge or a historic train station – this is a selection of historic locations.</content>
<title>Conference Locations – The 360° Movie</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="°-Movies/Conference-Locations-–-The-360°-Movie"/>
<content>Get an overview of the selection of our conference locations.</content>
<title>Hannover Congress Center - The 360° Movie</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="°-Movies/Hannover-Congress-Center-The-360°-Movie"/>
<content>Discover the flexibility of the Hannover Congress Center.</content>
<title>Adventure Zoo Hannover - The 360 ° Movie</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="°-Movies/Adventure-Zoo-Hannover-The-360-°-Movie"/>
<content>Get a splendid and exotic impression of the Adventure Zoo Hannover on this 360° tour</content>
<title>Hannover Fairground- The 360° Movie</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="°-Movies/Hannover-Fairground-The-360°-Movie"/>
<content>A digital tour across one of the largest exhibition centres of the world.</content>