Es ist bunt und funkelt - die Grotte von Niki de Saint Phalle–-the-Niki-de-Saint-Phalle-Grotto2006-05-09T09:56:35+02:00Bright and sparkling – the Niki de Saint Phalle GrottoMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de–-the-Niki-de-Saint-Phalle-Grotto2006-05-09T09:56:35+02:0060 minute guided tour through the last major work of art by the world famous artist
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<title>Es ist bunt und funkelt - die Grotte von Niki de Saint Phalle</title>
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<title>Bright and sparkling – the Niki de Saint Phalle Grotto</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
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<content>60 minute guided tour through the last major work of art by the world famous artist</content>