Districtshttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/696229/full/1/7658932016-11-25T10:02:47+01:00Zoo districtMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/638882/full/1/8378852016-11-25T10:02:47+01:00The Eilenriede forest and the zoo – Oases for sport and nature lovers also culinary highlights and shopping tips.Calenberger Neustadt Max Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/598572/full/1/7659282016-08-18T12:55:17+02:00Green shores, great event locationsCity centreMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/551426/full/1/7659292015-06-02T08:59:27+02:00In the center of Hanover there is a lot to discover. If you want to go shopping in Hannover, you can start as soon as you come out of the Central Station onto Ernst August Platz.SüdstadtMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/549207/full/1/7659322015-05-05T09:39:46+02:00A bit of Eilenriede and a lot of lake - those are the things that make the Südstadt, the area of Hannover to the south of the city centre, such a great place to live.ListMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/549181/full/1/7659302015-05-04T15:43:32+02:00People meet for a glass of good wine, go to the theatre, or attend a reading or a concert in the Pavillon.NordstadtMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/549178/full/1/7659312015-05-04T15:33:20+02:00Life in the area of the city with Hannover’s Leibniz University right next door is relaxed, tolerant and peaceful.LindenMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/549127/full/1/7659332015-05-04T15:08:43+02:00To the right and left of Limmer­strasse and all around the market square there is an abundance of vibrant, energetic life.
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<title>Zoo district</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/638882/full/1/837885"/>
<content>The Eilenriede forest and the zoo – Oases for sport and nature lovers also culinary highlights and shopping tips.</content>
<title>Calenberger Neustadt </title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/598572/full/1/765928"/>
<content>Green shores, great event locations</content>
<title>City centre</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/551426/full/1/765929"/>
<content>In the center of Hanover there is a lot to discover. If you want to go shopping in Hannover, you can start as soon as you come out of the Central Station onto Ernst August Platz.</content>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/549207/full/1/765932"/>
<content>A bit of Eilenriede and a lot of lake - those are the things that make the Südstadt, the area of Hannover to the south of the city centre, such a great place to live.</content>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/549181/full/1/765930"/>
<content>People meet for a glass of good wine, go to the theatre, or attend a reading or a concert in the Pavillon.</content>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/549178/full/1/765931"/>
<content>Life in the area of the city with Hannover’s Leibniz University right next door is relaxed, tolerant and peaceful.</content>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/549127/full/1/765933"/>
<content>To the right and left of Limmer­strasse and all around the market square there is an abundance of vibrant, energetic life.</content>