Radtour durchs grüne Hannoverhttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/55831/full/1/7728682006-05-08T20:35:50+02:00Cycle timeMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/55831/full/1/7728682006-05-08T20:35:50+02:00This tour which is approx. 25 km long and is partly identical to the “Julius Trip Ring” leads you to the highlights and the green oases of the city.
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<title>Radtour durchs grüne Hannover</title>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/55831/full/1/772868"/>
<title>Cycle time</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/en/en/view/content/55831/full/1/772868"/>
<content>This tour which is approx. 25 km long and is partly identical to the “Julius Trip Ring” leads you to the highlights and the green oases of the city.</content>