Waterloohttps://www.visit-hannover.com/jp/jp/view/content/839804/full/1/10275872020-11-09T12:38:13+01:00WaterlooMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.visit-hannover.com/jp/jp/view/content/839804/full/1/10275872020-11-09T12:38:13+01:00To welcome visitors to Hannover for the World Cup in 2006, a whole tunnel full of graffiti appeared in the Waterloo underpass between the subway station and the stadium.
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<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.visit-hannover.com/jp/jp/view/content/839804/full/1/1027587"/>
<content>To welcome visitors to Hannover for the World Cup in 2006, a whole tunnel full of graffiti appeared in the Waterloo underpass between the subway station and the stadium.</content>