Science and research and regionMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de can discover numerous sights in Hannover! Here we have put together 7 highlights.SyntellixMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de Syntellix implants with high stability that are broken down by the body and replaced by bone tissue. TWINCOREMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de the TWINCORE-Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research, physicians and basic researchers work hand in hand to better understand infections and combat them more effectively.Sander - Calenberger LandhofMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de Mustermannmax@mustermann.de Mustermannmax@mustermann.de The research group Resist is trying to understand why some people are particularly susceptible to certain infections. Science Fiction in HannoverMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de insight into Hannover's science fiction scene.New forms of livingMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de Mustermannmax@mustermann.de physicist Bruce Allen devotes his research to the not so small matter of the entire universe.Hannover – a city of changeMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de–-a-city-of-change2022-02-08T13:42:14+01:00From the "modern suburb" to a metropole in the Heart of Lower Saxony   Gravitational wavesMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de waves pass through space at the speed of light. Their existence was predicted by Albert Einstein back in 1915 in his General Theory of Relativity. Quantum FrontiersMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de research team working under physicist Prof. Karsten Danzmann contributed towards the efforts to pick up the first signal of a gravitational wave on 14 September 2015 using its gravitational wave detector.Jazz Club HanoverMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.deören/Jazz-Club-Hanover2022-02-07T13:16:00+01:00Studying at the HMTMHMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.deören/Studying-at-the-HMTMH2022-02-07T12:08:50+01:00Get your hearing back at last!Max Mustermannmax@mustermann.deören/Get-your-hearing-back-at-last2022-02-07T12:02:33+01:00Hearing ProtectionMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.deören/Gehörschutz2022-02-03T16:22:27+01:00IdeenExpo 2022Max Mustermannmax@mustermann.deören/IdeenExpo-20222022-02-03T16:17:35+01:00Hands-on experiments, shows and concerts. IdeenExpo, Europe’s largest natural sciences and technology event for young people, will next take place from 2 to 10 July 2022. Listen, listen!Max Mustermannmax@mustermann.deören/Listen,-listen2022-02-03T16:08:36+01:00Hearing4allMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.deören/Hearing4all2022-02-03T15:15:58+01:00Hannover Centre for Production Technology (PZH)Max Mustermannmax@mustermann.de Hannover Centre for Production Technology (PZH) is the scientific heart of Hannover’s production engineering sector.