Curved dome lift at New Town Hall하노버-체험/하노버,-유럽의-심장/Kuppel・aufzug-im-Neuen-Rathaus2006-05-08T17:58:20+02:00Curved dome lift at New Town HallMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de하노버-체험/하노버,-유럽의-심장/Kuppel・aufzug-im-Neuen-Rathaus2006-05-08T17:58:20+02:00Climb the arched elevator to the city hall dome and enjoy the impressive view over Hanover.
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<title>Curved dome lift at New Town Hall</title>
<link href="하노버-체험/하노버,-유럽의-심장/Kuppel・aufzug-im-Neuen-Rathaus"/>
<title>Curved dome lift at New Town Hall</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="하노버-체험/하노버,-유럽의-심장/Kuppel・aufzug-im-Neuen-Rathaus"/>
<content>Climb the arched elevator to the city hall dome and enjoy the impressive view over Hanover.</content>