Int. Firework Competition

Film: Firework Competition Hannover

The video ‘Fuego español’ shows the Herrenhausen International Firework Competition from perspectives never seen before.

Firework from perspectives never seen before!

International Firework Competition - Film „Fuego español“

In this video around two minutes in length, marvel at a birds-eye view of the choreographed fireworks display given by the Spanish pyrotechnics team ‘Ricardo Caballer SA’ on 6 June, and let yourself be whisked away on a flight over the beautifully illuminated baroque Herrenhausen Gardens. Hannover Veranstaltungs GmbH (HVG) and connect-tv hope you enjoy the experience!

Tickets, Teams, Infos

Internationaler Feuerwerkswettbewerb

Internationale Top-Teams treten vor einzigartiger Kulisse in den Herrenhäuser Gärten an.

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Hannover explosief

Teams uit Polen, Zuid-Afrika, Mexico, Australië en China nemen deel aan de populaire Internationale Vuurwerkwedstrijd 2022.

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Laatst bijgewerkt: 16 sep 2022