Products, services and ideas

Insurance services

The city is one of the most important places in the German insurance industry.

VGH Versicherungen

Large, prestigious insurers such as VGH, VHV and Concordia as well as the Talanx group with brands like Hannover Re and HDI are all based here. On top of this, an interdisciplinary Competence Centre for Insurance Science has been founded in the Lower Saxon state capital.

Furthermore in Hannover you can find the Institute for Risk and Insurance. Research at the Institute contains primarily all economic fields connected to the insurance industry. Topics in the fields of insurance law, insurance mathematics and health economics can be handeld efficiently due to the close and interdisciplinary cooperation with the Competence Center for Risk and Insurance as well as with the Center for Health Economics. This wide-spread approach condenses in a variety of scientific and also industry-relevant insights.

Products, services and ideas

Financial services

Products, services and ideas – successful global players and highly specialised enterprises based in Hannover.

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Velkommen til Hannover

Forretningsdestinasjon Europa

Regionen Hannover er det fremste næringslivsområdet i Niedersachsen. Hannover har i 70 år vært internasjonalt kjent som messe- og kongressby. Med sin mode...

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Sist oppdatert: 17. okt. 2017