
Information for refugees interested in studying

All refugees that want to start studying or continue their studies already started in their home country will find information here.

In Hannover gibt es unterschiedliche Studienmöglichkeiten

University admission

The Lower Saxon ministry for science and culture (MWK) facilitates refugees the access to a fast admission to admission-free university courses. You can find detailed information here (in German).

There are useful information about starting to study as a refugee on the website „Information for refugees – Studying and Living in Germany”. Furthermore the „coordination office of the Lower Saxon study support offices” has published some information on their website for refugees who are interested in a study.

Support at University

Some universities have set up a council for advisory for refugees that are interested in studying in hanover. There you will be provided with information when you want to start or continue a study.

Here is a list of the general contacts for refugees at the Universities in hanover:

Leibniz University
Ludolf von Dassel
International Office
Welfengarten 1 A
30167 Hannover
fon: +49 511 762-3964

Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Frau Mascha Rex
Abt. Language Center (ZLB-LC)
Bismarckstr. 2
30173 Hannover 
+49 511 9296 2090 

Hannover Medical School
Frau Stefanie Fentzahn
Student Secretariat
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover
Tel.: +49 511 5 32-90 56

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation
Dr. Christine Winter
International Office
Bünteweg 2
30559 Hannover
fon:  +49 511 953-8080

University of Music, Drama and Media Hannover
Meike Marten
International Office
Hindenburgstr. 2-4
30175 Hannover
fon: +49 5 11 31 00-73 69

Financing of studies

Since 1st January 2016, tolerated refugees and owner of certain humanitarian residence permission are allowed to apply for the German Federal Law on Support in Education after a stay of 15 months. You will find advice and information about the German Federal Law on Support in Education on the website of the Studentenwerk Hannover (Student Administration).

In addition to this, the Student Administration also grants the "Semesterbeitragsstipendium" for beginning students to refugees interested in studying that already receive benefits according to the "Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz".