
Studying without a university entrance qualification


Studying without a qualification for university entrance - sounds like driving a car without a licence, doesn’t it?

Open University of the Leibniz University of Hannover

The aim of the Open University is to provide support for the successful transition from work to university and to transform academic knowledge into practical know-how more quickly. Hence, the Open University of the Leibniz University Hannover offers preparatory and orientation courses, as well as modular specialist technical courses for people not traditionally interested in academics or for professionally qualified people. The preparatory and orientation courses are aimed at people who are keen to study but do not have a conventional university entrance qualification. Whether you are currently busy working or taking a break from work while on parental leave or doing nursing care and want to start studying: these courses provide assistance for a successful transition from working life to studying. 

 >>>For details on the courses, please visit the Leibniz University website<<<

Studying without a university entrance qualification at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts

There are numerous possibilities for studying without a university entrance qualification. Under certain circumstances, a specialist study course is possible. Together with its cooperation partners, Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts offers courses that facilitate taking up a study course and even the actual studies.

>>>For further information, please visit the Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts website<<<

Personal experience report

Aileen is studying at the Open University - without any qualification for university entrance! She explains how she got there, what she is studying now and especially how she was able to do it without a university entrance qualification while we accompany her for a day in her student life.

The video and information are available on the Initiative Wissenschaft (Hannover Science Initiative) website