Der Rote Faden Hannoverürdigkeiten-Stadttouren/City-tours/Der-Rote-Faden-Hannover2020-06-25T11:08:51+02:00The "Red Thread" HannoverMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.deürdigkeiten-Stadttouren/City-tours/Der-Rote-Faden-Hannover/Le-Fil-Rouge2020-06-25T11:08:51+02:00The Red Thread is painted on the pavement, is 4200 metres long, and weaves its way through the inner city joining up 36 prime attractions.
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<title>Der Rote Faden Hannover</title>
<link href="ürdigkeiten-Stadttouren/City-tours/Der-Rote-Faden-Hannover"/>
<title>The "Red Thread" Hannover</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="ürdigkeiten-Stadttouren/City-tours/Der-Rote-Faden-Hannover/Le-Fil-Rouge"/>
<content>The Red Thread is painted on the pavement, is 4200 metres long, and weaves its way through the inner city joining up 36 prime attractions.</content>