Graffitis in the Falkenstraße in Linden-Nord:
She was born in this house on 14 October 1906. The mural can be found in the courtyard of the house on Lindener Marktplatz, on the corner with Falkenstraße. She left Germany in 1933 to escape the National Socialist regime. Her academic work was dedicated to the origins of totalitarianism and anti-Semitism. She died on 4 December 1975 in New York. The image was reproduced from a photograph owned by Käthe Fürst (Ramat Ha Sharon, Israel), showing the famous portrait of the philosopher holding a cigarette along with her famous quote: ‘Nobody has the right to obey’. The artwork, which was completed in August 2014, was commissioned from Hanover graffiti artist Patrik Wolters, aka BeneR1, in collaboration with Kevin Lasner, aka KOarts.