Continuing education OrganisationMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de a period of 30 years, the Euro-Schulen Hannover have developed from a language school to a highly diversified educational facility with 14 locations across the entire region.Continuing education at the Hannover Chamber of CraftsMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de have passed your apprenticeship exam, but aren’t sure about your next career steps?Online continuing education programmeMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de your job prospects with a suitable continuing education programme at the Hannover Chamber of Crafts.Weiterbildungsberatung Hannover (advisory agency for continuing education)Max Mustermannmax@mustermann.de advisory agency for continuous education, Weiterbildungsberatung Hannover, provides assistance in all matters relating to continuing education.DAA HannoverMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de a nation-wide provider of vocational continuing education and retraining, the Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie (DAA) offers the right type of continuous education or retraining for you in Hannover.Music College HannoverMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de Music College Hannover is a vocational college for music which offers an alternative to studying at a music college.Dr. Buhmann SchoolMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de you will find learning opportunities for those finishing secondary school, those with a university entrance qualification and for advanced parallel work/study.Bildungsverein Hannover (educational association)Max Mustermannmax@mustermann.de“Fair training is our job.” True to this motto, the Bildungsverein has been offering courses, weekend seminars, working groups and educational excursions since its inception in 1981.TRAIN AcademyMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de the continuing education course “Translational Research & Medicine: From Concept to Product”, you can network with local institutions and experts.Continuing education at the Hannover Chamber of Industry and CommerceMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de education is essential in order to meet the ever-increasing challenges of professional life.Training courses at the Hannover Adult Education CentreMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.de training, international certificates, in-house training, preparation for Chamber of Industry and Commerce exams