Leibniz-Tour Hannover

2. Leibniz-Archive

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Here you will find information about the Leibniz-Archive.


This archive holds around 50,000 pieces of writing totalling around 200,000 pages written by Leibniz, including a large amount of correspondence with scholars from all around the world, as well as books from his private library. The 15,000 letters in the archive are still being evaluated today. 1,100 senders from 16 countries have been counted. Leibniz’s writings have enjoyed UNESCO world document heritage status since 2007. It is the largest written archive of any scholar anywhere. A total edition is planned for publication by 2048. A 15-volume Chinese Leibniz edition is also planned, as well as one in Spanish.

On the trail of the polymath

Leibniz-Tour Hannover

With this small, permanent guide you can discover the places where Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz lived and still remember him.

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