Herrenhausen Gardens: guided tour for groups

Wilhelm Busch

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Museum Wilhelm Busch – Deutsches Museum für Karikatur und Zeichenkunst

Visit the Museum Wilhelm Busch – German Museum of Caricature ad Drawings.

Museum Wilhelm Busch – Deutsches Museum für Karikatur und Zeichenkunst

Visit the Wilhelm Busch – German Museum of Caricature ad Drawings and enjoy the work of Wilhelm Busch and other contemporary caricaturists on a guided tour. The splendid palais garden is also worth a visit before you proceed to the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen with its magnificent baroque garden. Subsequently a delicious coffee and cake dish is being served in a restaurant near the Royal Gardens.

Your package includes:

  • Admission to Museum Wilhelm Busch
  • Guided tour of the Museum  Wilhelm Busch Museum (Duration: 1 hour)
  • Guided walk through the Great Garden (Duration: 1.5 hours)
  • Subsequently: coffee dish

Information and Booking:


all year round


27 € p. p.
+ 15 € foreign language fee per group
+ admission to the Gardens p. p. 


approx. 4 h

Bookable dates:

throughout the year

Minimum participants:

15 pers.

Information and Booking:

+49 511 12345 333 or by mail to staedtereise@hannover-tourismus.de

 Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH`s terms and conditions apply.