Here you will find information about the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Company.
The society, which was founded in 1966 and has around 400 members, has its office in the Leibniz Library and was established to cultivate links between scientific disciplines and to publicise Leibniz’s body of thought. Nine international Leibniz congresses have been held to date in places as far apart as Buenos Aires, Rome and Montreal. The multilingual magazine Studia Leibnitiana is published twice a year, and deals with issues concerning the history of philosophy and science. A remembrance celebration is organised every year in the Neustädter Hof- und Stadtkirche St. Johannis on 14 November.
On the trail of the polymath
Leibniz-Tour Hannover
With this small, permanent guide you can discover the places where Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz lived and still remember him.