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What are sustainability events?

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Here you will find information for environmentally conscious event planning: from climate-neutral arrival and departure by public transport to locations and hotels that focus on sustainability. Because a carefully ecologically oriented event protects the environment and your wallet.

Nachhaltiges Event Logo

Conventional events are often a great burden on the environment. Due to high Co2 emissions when traveling by car, a high consumption of resources and the production of waste, event organizers, restaurateurs and hoteliers are increasingly focusing on environmentally conscious actions - not only because Hannover is considered the most important meeting and congress destination.
To make events in the trade fair and congress city environmentally friendly and socially acceptable, Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH has developed a catalog of measures to help everyone involved keep their carbon footprint as low as possible. 
In the context of sustainably designed events, we recommend hotels to guests that attach importance to compliance with ecological and social standards. 

These include using regional and seasonal food, using energy-saving equipment and lighting, reducing water and energy consumption, and avoiding waste. 

Criteria for socially responsible coexistence and environmentally conscious actions:
- Avoid waste and plastic waste
- Reduce energy & water consumption
- Climate-neutral arrival and departure: Make accessibility car-free
- Communication and marketing: Do good and talk about it 
- Accessibility: Places that are accessible and usable for everyone
- Organic catering: Catering that is locally sourced, seasonal and organic.

Leave a lasting impression, but not a large Co2 footprint. Design your event with responsibility. Our team from the Hannover Convention and Events Office will be happy to support you.  With our clear positioning for environmental and social sustainability and the reputation of organizers, partners and hoteliers, we strive for the Green Events label.