Slow Fashion instead Fast Fashion
Sustainable shopping
Hannover has numerous addresses and labels that prioritize regional materials and production.
Even residents of Hannover are increasingly opting for conscious consumption and resource-friendly local products, instead of fast fashion or food packaged in unnecessary plastic. The initiative 'Fashion born in Hannover,' for example, is a collaboration of various regional labels in Hannover that produce and sell sustainable products.
Lola, the Bulk Store Tip
number 1 for living more environmentally friendly is to buy groceries in bulk instead of packaged products. Loose fruits and vegetables are harvested directly for the end consumer and do not need to be individually packaged for sale. The concept is quite simple: bring your own empty containers or buy them in the store, fill them up, and pay for the contents by piece or weight at the checkout. Lola offers everything your heart desires: from coffee, cereals, and pasta to household and cleaning supplies, solid shampoos, sweets, and outdoor goods. The store is located in the Südstadt (South District).
Stephansplatz 13, 30171 Hannover
At the FÜHLdichGUT-Store in the List neighborhood, you can find sustainable and fair fashion and accessories. They also offer natural cosmetics and other treasures from great labels on their sales and event space. In addition to sales, the space is intended for events where anyone can learn more about sustainability.
Ferdinand-Wallbrecht-Straße 7 , 30163 Hannover
EINS Mode Bio Fair
Here you can find sustainable clothing that inspires and brings long-lasting enjoyment. All available clothing items are produced under fair conditions. Most of the pieces were also primarily produced in Europe, with some even in Germany and Austria.
Lindener Marktplatz 10, 30449 Hannover
Fair trade, nachhaltig und Ökologisch. Bei Greenality gibt es über 100 Marken. Er ist mit 140qm Ladenfläche eines der größten Geschäfte für nachhaltige Mode in der Stadt. Sowohl vor Ort als auch im Online-Shop gibt es eine riesige Auswahl an fairen Modemarken und deren Produkten.
Osterstraße 1, 30159 Hannover
Earth & Sky – the green shop
This owner-operated store offers a variety of products centered around a sustainable lifestyle. From fashion and home accessories to sportswear and jewelry, and even organic gourmet products, all items here are consistently ecological, biological, fair, and sustainable. Customers can find a wide range of "green" products in the 200 square meters of retail space.
Röselerstraße 2, 30159 Hannover – Sustainable Men's Fashion with Commitment
The online shop offers a selection of men's fashion that combines sustainability with a modern look. The shop showcases clothing made from organic cotton and recycled materials, carefully chosen from European brands dedicated to fair trade and vegan products. This demonstrates that believes that fashion can be both responsible and appealing.
In Hannover, customers have the opportunity to try on their selected clothing in person. A special service is the environmentally friendly delivery by cargo bike, which is offered for orders in Hannover.
Davenstedter Str. 60, 30453 Hannover