Bus, Tram and Rail

Public Transport

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Die Station Kröpcke mit einfahrender Bahn.

By bus, tram or rail through Hannover and the Hannover Region - all the information you need.

Anyone traveling by bus, light rail or local train in the Hanover region uses the well-functioning and coordinated ÜSTRA network:

  • ÜSTRA's light rail services guarantee fast and often direct travel options in Hanover, to Langenhagen, Laatzen, Garbsen, Altwarmbüchen and Sarstedt.
  • S-Bahn and regional trains operated by Deutsche Bahn, Metronom, Erixx and WestfalenBahn quickly connect most towns and municipalities in the Hanover region with the state capital.
  • The ÜSTRA bus network supplements local rail transport. Buses create connections between towns, districts and centers and provide connections to the rail systems.

With EFA - the electronic timetable information system - the Hannover Region provides all the information you need to travel by local train, suburban train, light rail and bus. It includes timetable data from all over Lower Saxony and Bremen.

Ticket purchase via cell phone and Internet

The transport association also offers ticket purchase via smartphone and the Internet. After registering once, customers can use the website and app to purchase single and day tickets from the range online, print them out or carry them with them via the app. Registered users of the mobility store also benefit from various discounts, for example on journeys with the Hanover cab company Hallo Taxi.


No more combined tickets - but trade fair cards instead

Admission tickets for HANNOVER MESSE no longer include a ticket for ÜSTRA buses and streetcars to the exhibition grounds. Instead, there are so-called trade fair cards, which are valid for the period of the trade fair and the day before and are available online in the mobility store.